5 Great Knitting Projects That Use Scrap Yarn

Did someone say scrap yarn?

If you’ve been knitting for any amount of time, it’s super likely that you have more scrap yarn than you know what to do with.  But don’t worry, because that’s a pretty good problem to have! Personally, I love trying to use up scrap yarn.

Kitty playing with yarn

One of the wonderful things about knitting is that you get to try out a wide variety of colors, textures, and fiber types and scrap yarn projects let you combine all of that goodness into a totally unique, one of a kind project. Below are some ideas to help with your next scrap busting project

#1:  Hexipuffs

I love these little buggers!  They’re quick, easy, and very portable.  Seriously, I’ve made one of these while waiting in line at the bank.  Yes, it was a really long line but you get the idea. All you need is a bit of fiber fluff and some leftover yarn.

Lots of hexipuffs
Just looking at these makes me want one!

While these were originally designed to be used for something called the Beekeeper’s Quilt, these little puffs of happiness are still fun on their own.  They do great as stress balls, as toys for children, as happy reminders of past projects. You can also easily personalize these with a quick bit of duplicate stitching.  Is there anything these guys can’t do?

Knit hexipuff
MissCookie has some great examples of duplicate stitching. Isn’t he cute!

*Fun Idea:  Depending on how wild things get when you watch sports or Game of Thrones, these little guys can be used to throw at the TV instead of, say, the remote.  Themed puffs would be a great gift for an avid fan!

#2:  Weasley Socks

Ya’ll love Harry Potter?  Of course you do. This sock concept was lovingly named after Molly Weasley, the bomb dot com mom of the Weasley clan.  Molly is known to make every bit count so it’s not too hard to imagine the Weasleys donning these gems.

Scrap yarn socks
Twotoast’s Weasley Socks makes me wish I had much, much more scrap yarn. So gorgeous!

These can get as wild as you want.  If you want a bit more order, you can divide the yarn equally into two balls so that your socks will match.  And if you wanna take it a step further, you can throw in a few colorwork motifs. Either way, you’ll be using up your scrap yarn and be doing Molly proud.

Fun and unique knit scrap yarn socks
Did Wuerstchen do an awesome job with these or what?

Personally, I one day aspire to have a pair of these on the needles at all times.  Finish a pair of socks and immediately add the scrap yarn to my Weasley socks. I feel like it would fuel my already intense love of sock knitting.  

Beautiful knit scrap yarn socks
Veronica pretty much made exactly what I want to make. Love these!
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#3:  Blanket Squares

Ah, the ole’ classic:  blanket squares. They’re a favorite for a reason:  quick, easy, and portable, these guys will be flying off your needles.  The beauty of these is that you can make these as easy or difficult as you want.  If you want to challenge yourself a smidge, grab your stitch dictionary and just go wild!  Even if you don’t want to make a whole blanket, you can still make blanket squares and donate them to a worthy cause that pulls on your heart strings.

Blanket with crochet boarder by Swfirefly
Swfirefly rocked it with this blanket. I love how she added in a crochet border to keep everything in place and spaced out evenly.

#4:  One Piece Dolls

Knit dolls by Esther Braithwaite
This free pattern is available from Esther Braithwaite. Imagine the possibilities!

Aren’t these just the cutest?  This quick project does require a bit of hand stitching but it’s oh so worth it.  If you want, you can go super simple with these guys and they’ll still be adorable and more than capable of making a child smile.  If you want to put in a bit more work, the sky’s the limit. With a little bit of duplicate stitching and embroidery floss, you can give these dolls some serious personality.  Just like blanket squares, these dolls make great donations. A great idea is to make these throughout the year and to donate them all in time for Christmas.

#5:  Make A “Magic Ball”

Want to make something kind of funky instead?  Then you’re going to want to try making a magic ball.  Essentially, you knot all of your scraps together into one continuous strand of yarn and then knit normally.  No two are ever the same! These balls really shine in projects with a lot of stockinette but I really want to try creating two magic balls and use them to create some really fun colorwork.  

Feralknitter's colorful cowl
Feralknitter’s cowl is a stunning example of the fun that magic balls can provide. Sign me up!

And bonus points if you do something like this:

Rainbow crochet work blanket | Ollie Oxen Knitting

Yes, this is crochet but the concept still works with knitting.  She intentionally left her ends a bit longer to give her blanket this fun texture.

What About You?

What’s your favorite way to use up scrap yarn?  Let us know in the comment section down below!

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